DJ Greg James has joked about his parody video of Miley Cyrus’ hit ‘Wrecking Ball’, saying he did it to show how “ludicrious” the original is.
The Radio 1 host has gathered over 2 million hits on YouTube, making it among the more popular parodies of the song.
“On a simple level, the only reason I did it was to make people laugh,” he told Digital Spy. “But I wanted to show how completely ludicrous that video is… [by making] an absolute fool of myself.
“But It seems to have gone down quite well. I’m quite pleased with it… I think she’d probably be quite turned on.”
He went on:
“I spoke to my dad afterwards and he said, ‘Well done, I think it was very good’. I said, ‘Do you think it was as good as the original?’ and he went, ‘What original?’.

“Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball has been parodied (YouTube)
“He didn’t even know what Miley Cyrus was. So he’d seen mine and thought it was an original composition… that’s proof that parents love you no matter what you do.”
Miley Cyrus’ video is closing in on 150 million views after only two weeks online.