One Direction were booed by some audience members at the MTV Video Music Awards on August 25th. The hugely popular boyband received a surprisingly mixed reaction when they picked up a Best Song Of The Summer prize, but didn’t’ dwell on it at all backstage.
Zayn Malik, who recently became engaged, said:
“We want to say a massive thank you to the fans who voted for us.”
Niall Horan added:
“It means so much to us. We cannot believe we’ve won it.”
1D were booed at the VMAs [PR]
Lady Gaga stepped in to defend them, and is quoted by the Mirror as saying:
“Don’t you dare let those people boo you. “If I did hear what I heard out there, I just want to tell you that you deserve every bit of success that you have.
“I want to leave right now. I don’t want to stay anymore because I don’t want to be in a room where people are booing.”
Louis Tomlinson replied:
“F**k it, f**k it.”