Bryan Singer to prove abuse allegations false?

Posted on Apr 17 2014 - 9:36am by Anne Smith

X-Men director Bryan Singer has been accused of sexually abusing a then-teenage boy in a new public lawsuit, but it is now alleged that he is able to prove his innocence.

Singer was forced to pull out of an event this weekend over the massive amount of column inches “victim” Michael Egan’s claims have generated.


However, now TMZ reports that Singer has evidence proving he was filming the first X-Men movie in Toronto at the exact time Egan alleges he was raped in Hawaii.

He was in the Canadian capital from September 2013 until March 2014, with possible extension beforehand to account for pre-production. The gossip site claims that he will now file documents including credit card bills that category prove he was not where Egan says he was.

Egan has yet to respond to these latest developments, but it is unclear at this stage how the scandal will affect the promotional schedule for Singer’s upcoming movie, X-Men: Days Of Future Past.

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