Singer Charlotte Church has blasted former newspaper editor Piers Morgan for his conduct in an interview several years ago.
In a new chat with Stylist, the 28-year-old accuses Morgan of being a “prick” when she chatted to him 11 years ago for the Oxford Union about press intrusion.

Piers Morgan is under fire (CNN)
“He was such a prick,” she recalled. “His argument basically centred around, ‘You’re rich, you’re making money out of this, who the f**k are you to question it?’ I was like, ‘I hate you!’
“I wanted to storm out and it took all my strength not to, and in that talk he basically told me about phone hacking and everything.”
She added:
“He didn’t say it happened at the Daily Mirror but it was in the video I had made [of the talk]. I gave it to The Guardian because when it all came out he was like, ‘I had nothing to do with it’, but I was like, ‘Well, I’ve got a f**king video of you telling me how to do it from way back!'”
Piers responded on Twitter, saying:
“I actually enjoyed meeting you @charlottechurch – you just weren’t the brightest bulb in the box. In fact, ANY box…”.